تایتل قالب body { -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } طراحی سایت سئو قالب بیان
زیرا که آفتاب، تنهاترین حقیقت ِ شان بود ..

-Maybe I thought it would give me a meaning, scarring myself for another. But, I didn't know it wasn't only about having a meaning. It never is. It matters what meaning you get, and what you get therewith the meaning. When the time goes by and you grow up and you begin to forget what it felt like then to be helpful and to be involved in injuries which you thought could give you a new meaning, you're just some living scar that questions its past every day and night. 

-می‌تونستم خوشحال باشم وقتی می‌تونستم، ولی نبودم. من دیر فهمیدم که معنایی هم اگر از زخم‌های خودخواسته به‌جا بمونه، رشد کاذبه.

- این سرنوشت بود که منو از این راه برد یا من بودم؟

ش. قاف ۲۹ تیر ۹۹ ، ۱۵:۱۳ ۰ ۳ ۲۰۷

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